Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design

Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design

RII60520 Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design

CRICOS Course Code 115311G

This qualification reflects the role of an individual working as a senior civil works designer or a para-professional designer, who supports professional engineers. They perform tasks that are broad, specialised, complex and technical and include strategic areas and initiating activities. They are responsible for the design of complex projects to ensure the implementation of the client’s site requirements and are required to demonstrate self-directed application of theoretical and technical knowledge and initiate solutions to technical problems or management requirements.

Who should apply for this course and why?

People who have an interested in Civil Construction and Engineering Design, ideally previous experience in this field would be advantageous. This area of employment is expected to have high demand over the next 5 years

• Be at least 18 years of age.
• Have completed study of Year 12 or equivalent.
• Proof of English language proficiency:IELTS 6.0 or equivalent

• Engineering Technical Assistant

• Civil Design Draftsperson

• Civil Construction Project Manager

People may further studies in courses at Bachelor AQF 7 level in related Engineering fields.

Assessments will be conducted in a variety of formats which can include written questions and answers, projects, simulations, demonstrations, and third-party logbook.

Alpha College of Australia recognises qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued under the Australian Qualifications Framework by Registered Training Organisations.


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Course Structure

The following units are included in this course and all are required for the award of the qualification. Students who only complete some units will be awarded with a Statement of Attainment for units successfully completed. There are 12 units of competency in total as listed below:

BSBPMG632       Manage program risk

BSBTWK502       Manage team effectiveness

BSBWHS616       Apply safe design principles to control WHS risks

RIICWD601E      Manage civil works design processes

RIIQUA601E       Establish and maintain a quality system

BSBSTR601         Manage innovation and continuous improvement

BSBOPS601        Develop and implement business plans

RIICWD526E      Prepare detailed traffic analysis

RIICWD512E      Prepare detailed design of motorways and interchanges

RIILAT402E         Provide leadership in the supervision of diverse work teams

MEM30031        Operate computer-aided design (CAD) system to produce basic drawing elements

BSBCRT611        Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving

Quick Facts

Course Duration

Total of 104 weeks

• Study: 80 weeks
• Break: 24 weeks

Study Load

20 hours/week
8 Terms

Delivery Mode
